About Us

Logan County Good Samaritan, Inc. is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian benevolent ministry that serves Logan County Ky individuals and families with emergency needs for food and assistance in crisis situations to pay bills of rent, electric, gas, water, or prescriptions. Logan County Good Samaritan, Inc. was organized in 1996 to meet a community need to have one central location for a person to receive emergency help through a community ministry. Previously there was no way to monitor services and no way to ensure that all persons would receive a fair amount of emergency service. The church secretary was often the person designated by the church to help persons who came to the church for financial assistance. Many times the secretary was limited in time, funds, and resources.

The Logan County Ministerial Association sponsored the initial organization to complete the legal aspects of forming Logan County Good Samaritan. They are no longer involved as a sponsor agency as the board is now fully incorporated. With the help of many local churches of various denominations, the agency was organized and incorporated in 1996. The governing body comes from churches in Logan County that provide financial support to Logan County Good Samaritan, Inc. Each church may have two voting members and one alternate-non-voting to attend monthly board meetings. This is to ensure fair representation regardless of the number in each congregation.

In February 1997, Logan County Good Samaritan opened its doors for clients. We began in a donated building of about 1,000 square feet. In 2002, we moved into our own building that contains 2 offices, a reception area and a storage/break room area. In 2003-2004, we built an additional storage room onto the building. We have grown from 1 part time employee to 1 full time  and one part time  employee. Several part time volunteers are used on a regular basis.

Our client database now contains over 7,000 different families and between 400 and 500 families are served each month. In the beginning, our major focus was on monetary needs such as rent and utilities. We continue to meet that need on a much larger scale. We have also added a food pantry and we are the distributor for the USDA Commodities (TEFAP) and Senior Box (CSFP) programs in Logan County. We currently distribute over 26,000 pounds of food each month. We continue to assist our clientele through referrals to other programs and services available. With God’s blessings we continue to grow and expand each year.