We offer three different food assistance programs. In order to pick up food a current bill or other mail and a photo ID are required, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Donated Food Pantry Program
Food Pantry – This service is available once a month to anyone in need and who provides the required information to be updated. Those who do not qualify for government sponsored programs are labeled “Pantry Only”. We distribute based on guidelines set by our Board of Directors. It is limited by what-ever we have, including meats. It includes the Feeding America Retail Donations from Wal-Mart and Ruler Foods as well as other donations. It is received in addition to any other programs. Click here for requirements to apply.
USDA : TEFAP (Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program)
This is what the older generation called “commodities”. We refer to it as the USDA program. The food is provided by the Federal Government and we distribute it based on their guidelines. The amount we receive each month is based on what we distributed the prior month. Everyone who qualifies is encouraged to pick up each month. Click here for qualifications.
SENIOR BOX : CSFP (Commodities Supplemental Food Program)
This is what we refer to as the SENIOR BOX program. The food comes pre-packaged and is also provided by the Federal Government. We distribute it based on their guidelines. We have a limited number of boxes available each month but the more clients who qualify, the more boxes we receive. There is no longer a waiting list for this program. Click here for qualifications.